Instance member cannot be used on type

Publish date: 2024-06-10

I have the following class:

class ReportView: NSView { var categoriesPerPage = [[Int]]() var numPages: Int = { return categoriesPerPage.count } } 

Compilation fails with the message:

Instance member 'categoriesPerPage' cannot be used on type 'ReportView'

What does this mean?


8 Answers

Sometimes Xcode when overrides methods adds class func instead of just func. Then in static method you can't see instance properties. It is very easy to overlook it. That was my case.

enter image description here


You just have syntax error when saying = {return self.someValue}. The = isn't needed.

Use :

var numPages: Int { get{ return categoriesPerPage.count } } 

if you want get only you can write

var numPages: Int { return categoriesPerPage.count } 

with the first way you can also add observers as set willSet & didSet

var numPages: Int { get{ return categoriesPerPage.count } set(v){ self.categoriesPerPage = v } } 

allowing to use = operator as a setter

myObject.numPages = 5 

For anyone else who stumbles on this make sure you're not attempting to modify the class rather than the instance! (unless you've declared the variable as static)


MyClass.variable = 'Foo' // WRONG! - Instance member 'variable' cannot be used on type 'MyClass' instanceOfMyClass.variable = 'Foo' // Right! 

It is saying you have an instance variable (the var is only visible/accessible when you have an instance of that class) and you are trying to use it in the context of a static scope (class method).

You can make your instance variable a class variable by adding static/class attribute.

You instantiate an instance of your class and call the instance method on that variable.


Another example is, you have class like :

@obc class Album: NSObject { let name:String let singer:Singer let artwork:URL let playingSong:Song // ... class func getCurrentlyPlayingSongLyric(duration: Int = 0) -> String { // ... return playingSong.lyric } } 

you will also get the same type of error like :

instance member x cannot be used on type x. 

It's because you assign your method with "class" keyword (which makes your method a type method) and using like :

Album.getCurrentlyPlayingSongLyric(duration: 5) 

but who set the playingSong variable before? Ok. You shouldn't use class keyword for that case :

 // ... func getCurrentlyPlayingSongLyric(duration: Int = 0) -> String { // ... return playingSong.lyric } // ... 

Now you're free to go.

Your initial problem was:

class ReportView: NSView { var categoriesPerPage = [[Int]]() var numPages: Int = { return categoriesPerPage.count } } 

Instance member 'categoriesPerPage' cannot be used on type 'ReportView'

previous posts correctly point out, if you want a computed property, the = sign is errant.

Additional possibility for error:

If your intent was to "Setting a Default Property Value with a Closure or Function", you need only slightly change it as well. (Note: this example was obviously not intended to do that)

class ReportView: NSView { var categoriesPerPage = [[Int]]() var numPages: Int = { return categoriesPerPage.count }() } 

Instead of removing the =, we add () to denote a default initialization closure. (This can be useful when initializing UI code, to keep it all in one place.)

However, the exact same error occurs:

Instance member 'categoriesPerPage' cannot be used on type 'ReportView'

The problem is trying to initialize one property with the value of another. One solution is to make the initializer lazy. It will not be executed until the value is accessed.

class ReportView: NSView { var categoriesPerPage = [[Int]]() lazy var numPages: Int = { return categoriesPerPage.count }() } 

now the compiler is happy!

I kept getting the same error inspite of making the variable static. Solution: Clean Build, Clean Derived Data, Restart Xcode. Or shortcut Cmd + Shift+Alt+K

UserNotificationCenterWrapper.delegate = self public static var delegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate? { get { return UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate } set { UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = newValue } } 

Just in case someone really needs a closure like that, it can be done in the following way:

var categoriesPerPage = [[Int]]() var numPagesClosure: ()->Int { return { return self.categoriesPerPage.count } } 
