Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles

Publish date: 2024-06-17

Bravo's Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles recently returned with another season. The famed reality TV series aired episode 2 on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 9 pm ET/ 8 pm CT.

It turned out to be an interesting episode as Tracy made another deal by selling actress and director Diane Keaton's Roxbury home in Beverly Hills to her friend.

During episode 2 of Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles, viewers were introduced to Cailin, an old friend of Tracy. The real estate mogul had met Cailin during a previous listing and became her agent. Later, the two grew close and became friends.

Earlier in the episode, Tracy revealed that Cailin had her eyes on Diane Keaton's famous Roxbury home in Beverly Hills that was featured in the Architectural Digest. It was Cailin's dream home and she desperately wanted to get her hands on it. Previously, when the house was out for listing, Cailin had made an offer for it, but someone else made a bigger offer and ended up buying the home.

Now with the house back for sale again, Cailin was adamant to make an early offer and get the house. But Tracy was a little apprehensive as there were a lot of other factors to consider.

Tracy helps her friend Cailin purchase the house for $16.5 million in Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles

Titled The First Husband's Club, episode two of Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles saw Tracy informing her friend Cailin that Diane Keaton's house was up for sale.

The famed actress' Roxbury home was a Spanish Revival Colonial house, as described by Architectural Digest. Tracy took Cailin on a tour of the house and right from the entrance, she was impressed since she had already seen the house before. It had a beautiful courtyard with a fountain in the center. The tiles installed were all bought from Spain in palettes.

Since Cailin had three kids, she was glad to see there were already kids' rooms in the house. She was also impressed by the very swing that Diane Keaton was on in the cover of the magazine. Cailin was ready to purchase the house and put out an offer for $16.1 million.

Although Cailin was in a hurry to make her offer, Tracy was worried because now she had to put the house her friend currently owned for sale and make sure it got sold so they could pass the money to the new house. That way, Cailin wouldn't need to pay two mortgages.

Ultimately, the sellers were willing to sell it for $16.5 million. When Cailin heard this, she agreed to the offer. But now, Tracy had the rest of the work to do, but the real estate mogul did make a commission of around $400,000 by selling her friend her dream home.

Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles airs every Thursday at 9 pm ET only on Bravo. Readers can check their listings for more information.

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