Moments In Married... With Children That Would Never Fly Today

Al doesn't quite like anything or anyone outside of his comfort zone. We expect him to be homophobic, but he doesn't necessarily advertise this as often as you might think. There are some moments, however, when Al demonstrates his rigid prejudices against men engaging in anything other than heteronormative behavior.
In season nine's "Dud Bowl," Al can't quite comprehend why his old high school quarterback, Thad, would or could change their sex. "We get tired of our cars too," he said. "But we don't rip the doors off." In the episode, "Wedding Repercussions," Al continues on this path, telling Bud, "do anything you want, with anyone you want, just as long as you don't wear a dress."
Then there's "The Gas Station Show," where Al advertises erotic massages. When an off-camera male attempts to get one, Al gives him a disgusted look and shows him the back of the sign that reads, "No Men."
While these moments wouldn't make for great TV these days, many of the other Married... with Children characters were quite accepting of other people's choices. Heck, even Al would eventually come around to accept people different than him. In "Dance Show," for example, despite being confused about a man marrying another man, Al jokingly declares his love for a gay man who works, cleans, and cooks for his husband.