What Happened To Aileen Wuornos's Son?

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Wuornos's record included doing time in prison for armed robbery. She was also arrested for assault, passing bad checks, car theft, and theft of a firearm and ammunition. In an interview with the Orlando Sentinel quoted by the LA Times, Wuornos said, "I'm not a man-hater. (I am) so used to being treated like dirt that I guess it's become a way of life. I'm a decent person." In time she was arrested for murder and confessed to killing six men (she is suspected of a seventh), all of them johns, many found with their pants down, all shot at point-blank range, and all of whom, she said, raped or tried to assault her. She pleaded self-defense but was convicted of murder in 1992. She later pleaded no contest to other killings, saying that she wanted to "get right with God." She was given several death sentences and despite psychiatric evaluations indicating she was a psychopath and had both borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder, after 20 years on death row in Florida, she was executed by lethal injection October 9, 2002.

As for that rape, when she was 14? That crime resulted in a pregnancy. She gave birth to a son at a home for unwed mothers. The boy was given up for adoption.
